Darths & Droids


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Episode 911: Peace Out


If the players are expecting something to happen soon...



... Make them wait a bit. A minute or two of real time won't hurt in-game, and will increase the tension over whether what they're expecting to happen will actually happen immeasurably.


GM: Nothing seems to happen. What do you do now?
Luke: Um...
Han: Are we still in combat rounds, or non-combat turns?
GM: Leeeet's just stay in combat rounds for the moment.
Leia: Did the torpedoes go in?
Luke: I think so.
Chewbacca: If this immediate vicinity is about to be subject to a major conflagration, it may be expedient to evacuate the area with alacrity.
Han: What?
C-3PO: Run away!!
GM: As you flee, your sensors detect a major power surge beginning in the Peace Moon...
Luke: What's happening?! I can't bear this!!!
R2-D2: Told you we should have tried to capture it.

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Published: Thursday, 18 July, 2013; 03:11:03 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net