Make good use of cover when approaching an enemy encampment.
A giant planet usually qualifies as Excellent cover.
Darth Vader: As I foretold, Governor Tàrkin, the Rebels are now within our grasp.
Tàrkin: Assuming your information is correct and zis is not some elaborate trap.
Darth Vader: The Senate has pre-approved all strikes against the Rebellion.
Tàrkin: Ah do not see zis alleged Rebel moon.
Darth Vader: We emerged from hyperspace concealed by the planet Yavin. The weapon will charge as our unpowered orbit carries us into firing position.
Tàrkin: Whah do we not just flah arahnd ze planet?
Darth Vader: This is a quadrillion Imperial tonne space station. Looks like a moon, moves like a moon, steers like a cow.
Tàrkin: Ha ha! Ah get zis joke. A steer is lahk a cow! You kill me, Lord Vader.