Darths & Droids


<     Episode 863: Making a Hash of It     >

Episode 863: Making a Hash of It


Important confidential information should be encoded or encrypted when being transported or transmitted. The methods of encoding should be commensurate with the technology level of the campaign setting.

And the choice of terrible passwords and access codes should adequately reflect real life practises by the majority of people.


Luke: Well, I can't find any tracking devices inside.
R2-D2: And the outer hull is quote, clean, unquote. By which I mean after trawling through the immense amount of muck and filth and grime, I found no transmitters. Are you happy?
C-3PO: Oh, by the way, I finally managed to flush the waste disposal venting unit.
R2-D2: Okay, now you need to run me an oil bath.
C-3PO: I'm not your slave either, stinkybot.
Leia: Okay, are we settled then? We go to the Rebel base.
Han: I need a heading...
Leia: R2, decrypt the coordinates. Authorisation code 1-1-A.
R2-D2: That is a terrible, terrible code. I didn't even try any codes less than eight characters!
R2-D2: Not that I seriously tried decrypting it.

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Published: Thursday, 28 March, 2013; 03:11:01 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net