Darths & Droids


<     Episode 789: I Mentioned It Once, But I Think I Got Away With It     >

Episode 789: I Mentioned It Once, But I Think I Got Away With It


Be very careful when issuing orders to NPC underlings. Anything can easily be misconstrued as a euphemism for something much more unpleasant.

PC: Hireling, clean my shoes!
Hireling: "Clean your shoes", eh? Yes, sir, right away, sir! Hurrr hurrr... those goblins won't know what hit 'em.

PC: Hireling, water my horse!
Hireling: "Water your horse", eh? Yes, sir, right away, sir! Hurrr hurrr... I'm sure the local Lord won't live that down for years.

PC: Hireling, have my sword repaired!
Hireling: "Have your sword repaired", eh? Yes, sir, right away, sir! Hurrr hurrr... I never did like druids.

Not that a GM would do that deliberately.

No, sirree.


Imperial Officer: Right, you lot. We're the welcoming party, so let's act like it.
Imperial Officer: We're giving them the "full tour".
Clone Trooper: Right, sir! The "full tour", eh?
Imperial Officer: Er... by "full tour" I mean as much of the tour as is possible given the incomplete nature of the Memorial Gardens.
Clone Trooper: Oh! I thought you meant something completely different. That was lucky.
Imperial Officer: Move out!
{they run off}
{wide shot of hangar, with the Falcon sitting in it}
Clone Commander: Remember, nobody mention Naboo.
Clone Trooper: What about Naboo, sir?
Clone Commander: The fact that we blew it up.
Clone Trooper: We did what?
Clone Commander: Shh!

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Published: Sunday, 07 October, 2012; 03:11:01 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net