Darths & Droids


<     Episode 654: His Royal Majesty, Emperor of Realms Across the Mangroves, Grand Moff of the Upper Scum, High Commander of... look, Swamp Bats!     >

Episode 654: His Royal Majesty, Emperor of Realms Across the Mangroves, Grand Moff of the Upper Scum, High Commander of... look, Swamp Bats!


This is the last deleted scene from Episode III. It's all of 33 seconds long, and makes a nice reference to Yoda arriving on Dagobah, where we'd see him again in Episode V. I believe it was cut because George Lucas felt it interrupted the flow of the montage of closing scenes, but Star Wars producer Rick McCallum has said he hopes it's included in cuts of the film released in the future.


Yoda: I'm going to my own planet with nobody else to muck it up and I'm going to be the King!
Yoda: It'll be a great big swamp with lots of creepy crawlies so nobody else comes to annoy me!
Yoda: A whole planet all to myself!!
Yoda: Bored now.

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Published: Sunday, 27 November, 2011; 02:11:01 PST.
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