Ah, the dramatic revelation. The best chance your character will ever get to hit someone while they're down.
Take full advantage of it.
Mace Windu: You old fool. Force Drain only works as a defence against someone who is angry.
Anakin: Master Windu, listen to me! I know who Nute Gunray's sleeper agent is!
Mace Windu: Obviously the Chancellor.
Anakin: No. It's you, Mace.
Mace Windu: No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!
Anakin: Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Mace Windu: No.
Mace Windu: Noooo!!!
[SFX]: Whooom!
[SFX]: Slice! {Anakin chops Mace's hand off}
Palpatine: Has that made you angry? I think it's made you angry.
[SFX]: KRZZRKZKZZZZT! {Palpatine hits Mace with Force Drain}