Darths & Droids


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Episode 532: Float Like a Butterfly


If talking is a free action, reciting poetry during combat should be downright encouraged. Except if you're playing a bard, in which case you should be singing.


{Grievous starts whirling laser swords around and advancing on Obi-Wan}
[SFX]: Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom!
Obi-Wan: Uh oh.
General Grievous: The butterfly the ancient Gungans made
General Grievous: The soul's fair emblem, and its only name—
General Grievous: But of the soul, escaped the slavish trade
[SFX]: Whooom! Whooom! Whooom! Whooom!
General Grievous: Of mortal life!—For in this earthly frame
General Grievous: Ours is the reptile's lot, much toil, much blame,
[SFX]: Whooom! Kzrzkk! {Obi-Wan counter-attacks}
General Grievous: Manifold motions making little speed,
General Grievous: And to deform and kill the things whereon we feed.
[SFX]: Whooom!
R2-D2: No offence Ben, but the sight of your limbs flying in all directions will be an exquisite coda to this glorious symphony of violence.
Obi-Wan: Offence taken.
[SFX]: Whooom!
[SFX]: Slice! {Obi-Wan cuts off one of Grievous' arms}
R2-D2: Noooo! Wrong character!

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Published: Tuesday, 15 February, 2011; 02:11:01 PST.
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