Darths & Droids


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Episode 465: Kicking The Bucket


Every party should include a member who is optimised for stealth, or technical expertise, or agility, or healing powers, or social clout - basically something other than combat.

So you can make the other characters have to rely on them for defence at some stage, of course.


GM: A squadron of combat droids appears to lead you away.
R2-D2: Aha! Behind the walls! I only scanned the ceiling and floor. Sneaky.
R2-D2: Let's kill these goons and get out of here.
Obi-Wan: You're the only one not caught in the force field.
R2-D2: Right. I use my plasma torch.
GM: That's only good at zero range.
R2-D2: I wirelessly hack into the weapon systems of an adjacent dreadnought and have it vapourise them through the wall.
GM: I don't think so.
Obi-Wan: So really no room for weapons in your build, huh?
R2-D2: Ah! Shock probe!
[SFX]: Zzzap!
GM: That makes them angry. One kicks you over.
[SFX]: Boot!
[SFX]: Crunch!
Obi-Wan: Very effective.
R2-D2: I didn't mean at the droids...

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Published: Sunday, 02 January, 2011; 14:36:51 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net