Even better than choosing something that annoys you (see previous annotation) and turning it into an in-game challenge is picking something that annoys one of your players.
Endless fun for all!
Obi-Wan: Look, I am not paying you! We're in the middle of a battle!
Buzz Droid 1: Oh, I guess we'll just 'ave to take your droid's loaf, then.
Buzz Droid 2: Come on, boys!
{they remove R4's head}
[SFX]: bzzzzzzzz...
Buzz Droid 1: See what you gone and made us do.
Obi-Wan: You've got to be kidding. Why are there cleaning droids floating in the middle of a battle?
Buzz Droid 1: This is our turf, guv.
Buzz Droid 2: You came 'ere, champ.
Anakin: Hold still. I'm going to shoot these droids off you.
Obi-Wan: Wait! Isn't that a bit drastic?
Anakin: They're window washers. It's better than they deserve.