Battles are messy, particularly ones involving vehicles and artillery. You get bits of shrapnel and wreckage scattered all over the place. If you're a smart player, however, you can take advantage of this. Use it as cover, or a screen, or a distraction. Scrounge around and you can find discarded weapons to fill out your equipment list. Or valuable items you can sell for loot later.
If you're a smart GM, you can make bits of the wreckage be unexploded ordnance, or leaking radiation, or other fun things.
Missile 3: Wow, those other missiles were losers.
Missile 4: Totally. What a newb mistake.
Obi-Wan: I look for some flotsam from the battle.
GM: You see a cloud of small metal objects.
Obi-Wan: Perfect. I accelerate through. 14 for Piloting.
[SFX]: Whoooosh!
Missile 3: Ooh, nice flying.
Missile 4: Hang on, do you think we should disar—
{missiles crash into the debris and explode}
[SFX]: Kabooom!!!
[SFX]: Kabooom!!!
Obi-Wan: Phew. I've had enough of smart-mouthed droids for today.
[SFX]: < bedoop ting fidooby ping >
Buzz Droid 1: Wotcher, guv! Clean yer screen?