Darths & Droids


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Episode 341: Initial Appearance of Protagonist in Multi-Level Droid Manufacturing Facility


It's important as a GM to let every player have a turn at describing their actions. Particularly in busy action scenes where quieter players might otherwise be swamped with everything that is happening.

There's no necessity to make it easy for them though.


Pete: R2-D2 opens the door. C-3PO, you see Anakin and Padmé in mortal peril in the factory.
C-3PO: Oh my goodness! We should rescue them!
Padmé: Oh, you were still behind the door?
Anakin: R2, why didn't you open it for us before we fell off the platform?
R2-D2: All you had to do was ask.
[SFX]: < squee boop pating >
Pete: So Sally, what do you want to do?
C-3PO: It's too high... I'm not jumping! Padmé got hurt!
Pete: There's nowhere else to go.
C-3PO: I go back and get the ship and fly it into—
Pete: R2 pushes you off the ledge.
[SFX]: < squee zik-jang bip >
C-3PO: Oh no!
Pete: But don't worry. A flying assembly supervisor droid catches you—
C-3PO: Yay!
Pete: —and dumps you on to another conveyor belt.
C-3PO: Yay?

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Published: Sunday, 02 January, 2011; 14:36:51 PST.
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