Talking about geology is, in fact, more romantic than the dialogue from the actual movie.
Oh wait... Anakin did talk about geology in this scene in the movie:
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything's soft... and smooth...Hmmm. Yeah, we still think ours is more romantic.
{The lakes country on Naboo. Anakin is helping Padmé out of a gondola-like boat.}
Anakin: This valley used to hold a large Naboo city. The flood caused by the missing moon has turned it into a lake.
Padmé: Hmmm. That would imply shifting strata as well as just hydrology.
{They walk across to a balcony overlooking the lake.}
Anakin: It's been a disaster for the local economy.
Padmé: So there's probably seismic activity caused by the changes in tidal forces.
Anakin: Yes. Now you see what we're dealing with.
Padmé: I didn't know you were interested in geology.
Anakin: Many things interest me... {he kisses her}
{awkward silence}
{awkward silence}
Padmé: Hang on. Anakin kisses Padmé?
Anakin: Unless... she doesn't want him to.
Padmé: Er, no. It's okay.
Padmé: I guess.
R2-D2: Do we have to hear about the kissing part?