Darths & Droids


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Episode 168: Sparring Partners


Khara, Matha, Khara, Rath Amah
Khara, Rath Amah, Yuddha, Khara
Khara, Syada, Rath Amah, Dai Ya
Khara, Ki La, Dan Ya
Niha, Ki La, Khara, Rath Amah
Syada, Ki La, Khara, Rath Amah
Khara, Dan Ya, Khara, Rath Amah
Khara, Dan Ya, Khara, Rath Amah
Niha, Ki La, Khara, Rath Amah
Syada, Ki La, Khara, Rath Amah
Khara, Matha, Khara, Rath Amah
Khara, Dan Ya, Khara, Rath Amah
Niha, Ki La, Khara, Rath Amah
Syada, Ki La, Khara, Rath Amah


{the black cloaked figure parries Qui-Gon's laser sword blow (that he initiated two strips ago)}
[SFX]: Kzzrzkk!!
{laser sword fighting between the Jedi and the mysterious cloaked figure}
[SFX]: Whooom!!
[SFX]: Whooom!!
[SFX]: Whooom!!
[SFX]: Whooom!!
[SFX]: Whooom!!
{R2-D2 and Anakin have a conversation in the Naboo fighter while the Jedi fight the mysterious figure in the background}
R2-D2: So, you and me, eh? Ah, what the hell. Got a boyfriend?
Anakin: Yes.
R2-D2: Is that in fact a lie to dissuade me while sparing my feelings?
Anakin: No, not at all.
R2-D2: Oh.
{Droidekas enter hangar, pinning Padmé, Captain Panaka, and their troops under fire}
[SFX]: Pow! Pow! Pow!
Anakin: The last part didn't come into it.
R2-D2: Ah. Right. Fair enough.
[SFX]: {more laser sword fighting in background} Kzzrzkk!!
[SFX]: Whooom!!
[SFX]: Whooom!!
[SFX]: Kzzrzkk!!
Padmé: We're pinned down!
[SFX]: Kzzrzkk!!
Anakin: You took that surprisingly well.
R2-D2: See those combat droids?...
[SFX]: Whooom!! {the Jedi drive the mysterious cloaked figure back into an open doorway}
[SFX]: {R2-D2 fires the fighter's guns at the droidekas} Kapow! Kapow!
[SFX]: Kaboom!! {droideka blows up}

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Published: Sunday, 02 January, 2011; 14:36:51 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net