In Pete's world of roleplaying games, male players play male characters and female players play female...
In Pete's world of roleplaying games, male players play male characters, and that's all there is to it.
GM: All right. We've established that Anakin is going and Shmi has to stay behind. It makes sense if you play Anakin from now on.
Shmi: Exactly what I was thinking.
GM: So you're comfortable playing a male character?
Shmi: Of course.
R2-D2: {aside} That's just wrong.
Jar Jar: {aside} Mesa boy!
R2-D2: {aside} Yeah, but you're an alien boy.
GM: Okay then. I'll run Shmi as an NPC.
Shmi: I've jotted down a few lines on how I want to play Anakin.
GM: A few lines? This is longer than all of my campaign notes!
Shmi: But first, there's something we need to do. Follow my lead. You'll know when to change over.