That would be one of the more highly specialised Jedi abilities. Although marginally useful if you visit casinos on a regular basis.
Watto: So you are a Jedi? Mmm, I accept the wager. Red, I race and you Jedi become my slaves. Blue, Anakin can race...
Watto: {under breath, to self} and I turn you in for the bounty.
{Watto rolls the die; it comes up red}
Jar Jar: Uh oh...
Qui-Gon: Hmm. I take a reroll.
GM: What? You can't do that.
Qui-Gon: Why not? Look... Fate Manipulation. "Allows you to reroll any one die roll per day."
Obi-Wan: That's on your sheet? Why haven't you used this before?
Qui-Gon: Nobody's rolled any dice before!
GM: We've been rolling dice since the campaign started!
Qui-Gon: Oh, those dice.
Qui-Gon: Cool.
Qui-Gon: That's even more useful!