Is this a ripoff of DM of the Rings?
Inspired by. When Shamus Young ended his strip based on the Lord of the Rings as a roleplaying campaign, he expressed surprise that nobody else had
begun one on another movie. I was surprised too. A gap needed to be filled.
When does the strip update?
Three times a week! On Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Update time is 10:11 GMT, the same as Irregular Webcomic! Why those days? Because most
other 3-a-week comics update Monday/Wednesday/Friday. We like to be different. And it gives you something new to read on the days many other comics don't update.
So how did this come together?
Less than 24 hours passed between my idea to do this, and the first comic being posted. I dithered a bit, worried about the time commitment. Then at
lunch at work the next day I shared my thoughts with some of my workmates. They immediately said, "Great Scott!" So this comic is very much a collaborative
effort with a hard-working team of 6 or 7 people behind the scenes, cooperating on the writing, the screengrabbing, and the compositing. This assuages my
time pressure fears somewhat. But let's see how it goes.
What movies are you going to do?
We plan to do all three movies.
Why didn't you start with Part I?
Most roleplaying campaigns run chronologically, so it made the most sense to start at the beginning of the story. That means starting with
Part III, set in 1885. The game is a western frontier steampunk game, which will evolve over time to involve subsequent generations of the
original PCs' descendants, with anachronistic technology, but without any time travel involved at all.
What game system are they using?
It's deliberately vague and unspecified. There are elements of several different games in it, plus some stuff that we just plain made up.
So either imagine it's some fictional commercially available system, or call it a home-brew system.
"Docs & DeLoreans"??
Yeah. Give us a break. We had to come up with a name within a lunch hour - the same lunch hour where we discussed the idea, decided to
do it, plotted out a metaplot involving the players and GM through all three movies, and wrote the first strip.
So who are the Comic Irregulars?
The creators of Docs & DeLoreans are Andrew Coker, Andrew Shellshear, David Karlov, David McLeish, David Morgan-Mar, Steven Irrgang.
More questions? Praise? Abuse? This is heavy.