All gaming groups have their own little quirks and customs. To outsider, or relatively new players, these can look strange. But after you've been playing for a while, you start to accept that when you join a new group they may all suddenly break out into a chorus of an obscure Welsh folk song whenever anyone mentions dragons. Combine these quirky behaviours with dice superstitions, and you have a recipe for some very spooky cases of "everyone but me knows what's going on".
GM: The assassin aims a blaster at you. Make a Dodge roll.
Anakin: Er. 4.
GM: You drop your laser sword.
Obi-Wan: 17! {Obi-Wan, in pursuit, catches the sword}
Anakin: Hmmm.
Anakin: I try and grapple with the driver.
R2-D2: Oh no...
Padmé: Oops.
Obi-Wan: Um...
Anakin: What? Aren't there rules for grappling in this game?
Anakin: Why is everyone covering their dice?