Talking is a free action, after all.
Qui-Gon: We'll handle the bounty hunter. Queenie, you go to the throne room.
Padmé: He's blocking the way!
Qui-Gon: Use your Rogue skills. Climb up a wall or something.
Padmé: Hmmm, all right then. Guards, this way!
Qui-Gon: Right, do I hit?
GM: Huh?
Qui-Gon: The 19 I rolled.
GM: That was five minutes ago.
Qui-Gon: I had to think about our tactics and tell the Queen what to do.
GM: In between launching an attack and seeing if that attack hits?
Qui-Gon: Coming up with detailed battle plans and discussing them don't require any time or concentration!
R2-D2: Don't look at me. You're all thinking it.