If you must meet and have pleasant conversation with your Best Enemy, it's good to choose a highly public and visible place, so the temptation to have the rival murdered on the spot is tempered by the fact that everyone and their dog will be a witness. It's so messy dealing with the fallout of this that both parties are willing to engage in pleasantries without resorting to violence.
In other words, this is a fantastic ploy to pull on a group of PCs whose tendency is to shoot first and think about maybe asking questions using Speak With Dead later.
In the real world of the Arks & Archaeologists universe, of course, Raiders of the Lost Ark doesn't exist. That's the premise of this entire comic, after all. But most of the other things we know and love (such as ancient pits full of snakes) do, albeit modified by the lack of Raiders of the Lost Ark:
- Stoneballs is a serious documentary about petrospheres.
- Harrison Ford is known (barely) for doing voiceovers for poorly selling computer games, but gains widespread fame after his appearance in the first Futurama movie.
- Karen Allen is known primarily for her role in Animal House.
- Nerdy guys make YouTube videos of themselves swimming the English Channel instead of getting dragged behind trucks hanging on to a whip.
- Without the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark to spark interest in 1930s cliffhanging adventure serials, Tales of the Gold Monkey was never revived with a movie and a new series, and remains an obscure short-running TV show.
- The Lone Ranger was never made into a movie. Fran Striker fans never had it so good.
- The major 1930s-era TV show background that pervades all of Western culture is The Waltons, despite it never being much good. The original TV series was adapted recently into a new, updated film with a bigger budget, high-tech computerised special effects, and edgy writing. And it sucked.
- Throughout the 1980s, all the greatest Hollywood blockbusters were big-budget contemporary coming-of-age stories.
- The Comic Irregulars exist and are making a screencap comic based on Jurassic Park.
Belloq: Why don't you join me, Dr Jones? You look hungry like the wolf.
Indy: Where's Marion?
The Monkey: Don't trust him, Indy!
GM: Cheeps only.
The Monkey: Okay, fine.
[SFX]: < cheep chitter chirirp chi-cheep >
Belloq: It was not I who brought the girl into this dirty business.
Indy: I ought to kill you right now.
Belloq: Not a very private place for a murder.
GM: Nazi goons are watching your every move.
Marion: Don't let that stop you!
The Monkey: Hey, I can't advise him, and I'm in the same room.
Marion: Challenge them to a drinking contest!
Indy: I think I can handle this.
Marion: Set fire to the place!
Indy: That was an accident, not a plan!