Player Characters
Marion Ravenwood played by Jim.
Marion Ravenwood is a bar-owning, whiskey-swilling daughter of an archaeologist.
Jim is a rather gung-ho roleplayer, interested in action, cool fight scenes, and lucrative spoils over careful consideration or puzzle solving. He frequently acts before he thinks, which includes fixating on his own strange explanations for setting details that the GM hasn't explained yet.
Dr Indiana Jones played by Ben.
Dr Indiana "Indy" Jones is an American archaeologist from a respectable New England university.
Ben is a thoughtful roleplayer who tries to think through the best course of action within his character concept and the setting. He enjoys coming up with clever ways to justify the success of his plans within the premises of the setting.
The Monkey played by Pete.
The Monkey is a monkey who Indy and Marion pick up in Cairo.
Pete is an old friend of Jim's. Jim invited him along to join in this new game. Pete designed a character to maximise all the skills he thought would come in most useful in a cliffhanging adventure campaign, at the cost of having Mute, Non-Anthropoid Primate, and Addicted to Dates.
Sallah played by Sally.
Sallah is a friend of Indy's who lives in Cairo.
Sally is somewhat younger than the other players, but has grown to be an integral part of their gaming group. She has an active imagination and enjoys inventing details about the game setting and characters. Her gaming style is maturing as she grows older.
René Belloq played by Annie.
René Belloq is a rival archaeologist of Indy's.
Annie was interested to come along and see what this "roleplaying games" thing was all about, hearing it was a sort of improvisational acting thing. She is dedicated to playing her character as a real, complex person with motivations inspired by a well-considered backstory.
Dr Marcus Brody played by Corey.
Dr Marcus Brody is a university colleague of Indy's in the archaeology department.
Corey is Pete's nephew and was keen to play the "cool roleplaying game" that Pete told him about. He is relatively new to the world of tabletop RPG gaming but has adapted quickly to playing a character and thinking as they would.
Non-Player Characters
Major Toht is a Nazi Gestapo officer. He uses his great wisdom and popularity to interrogate prisoners and force them to reveal secrets. How exactly he gets away with this is a mystery.
Oberst Dietrich is the Nazi officer in charge of the Tanis dig. His main concern is finding the Lost Ark of Phanastacoria and returning it to Hitler. |
Satipo is Indy's native guide in South America. Indy trusts him, but Belloq is suspicious of him because he knows he has paid him off to betray Indy. Who is right remains to be seen.
Imam is an old man who can read ancient inscriptions. He keeps an eye on Indy and tries to keep everyone out of trouble, which seems to be a very difficult thing to do with them fighting Nazis and stirring up the wrath of God all the time. |